Caused a lot of chaos that afternoon
#acousticguitar #guitar #rockandroll #rockandrollhalloffame #guitarist

Honored and excited to share that I have been named the grand prize winner of the 2024 Jim Baen Memorial Science Fiction Award!!! I have been submitting to this contest for a few years and it is an absolute pleasure and privilege to be able to list myself among the past winners and 2024 finalists, including @nikproxima π€ i guess this means I am going to LA again to get another little statue ππ
#author #authors #authorsofinstagram #writer #writersofinstagram #writerlife #writerscommunity #writercommunity #scifi #sciencefiction #scifigeek #scifiworld #sciencefictionbooks #scifiauthor #shortfiction #scifiworld #scifimovie #dune #scifinovel #scifiwriter #book #books #award #awardwinning #authorcommunity #authorgram #authorsofig #sciencefictionwriter #sciencefictionbook

Honored to be selected as a finalist for the Jim Baen Memorial #sciencefiction Award for the 2nd year in a row! The Jim Baen Memorial Award is awarded to “realistic hard science fiction about what can be achieved in space exploration in the next few decades.” And this year, @nikproxima is on the list too. π That is a power move if I’ve ever seen one π
#scifi #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #sciencefictionmovies #sciencefictionauthor #scifiauthor #scifiwriter #author #authorlife #authorsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #writerlife #writercommunity #writerscommunity #authorcommunity #scifiworld #scifibookstagram

A little big boy publication today, reminding us all (incl myself) that I moonlight as a soft scientist (studying hard play π)
#publication #publicationday #publications #kinkeducation #aasect #phd #socialscience #socialsciences #softscience #psychology #psych #psychologyfacts #therapist #therapy #mft

Come mess w/ us
#catcostume #meow #aesthetic #alley #alleys #alleycat #boyswillbeboys #boloboys

Ninja Warrior Wipeout
#fail #failvideo #fails #epicfails #failure #ninjawarrior #ninja #ninjawarriortraining #americanninja #epicfail #failmemes #fall #felldown

Stepped into DC history last night as the first musician to use the @theatlantis_dc green room shower (it was just installed). ALSO @mysteryfriends SOLD OUT THE ATLANTIS
And we got 930 cupcakes
#music #musician #atlantisdc #theatlantis #dcmusic #dcmusicians #washingtondc #dcmusicscene #shower #music #livemusic #livemusicphotography #band #liveband #concert #concertphotography #liveband

In this post I explore how technology will shape the future of dating, mating, and love, from the perspective of a couple/sx therapist!
“Technology is a powerful shaper of human social and political behavior, and as we inch toward a transhumanist world of human-computer integration, a major, and often over-looked question is: how will these advancements alter human dating and mating?
This is the question I was toying with when I wrote “Early Adopter,” my short story in the January/ February 2024 issue of @asimovs_sf .”
Click the link in my bio to read the full blog post, and pick up a copy of Asimov’s today!
#author #authorlife #authorsofinstagram #authors #writer #writers #writersofinstagram #writerlife #writerscommunity #writersofig #writercommunity #coupletherapy #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #dating #datingtips #scifi #psychotherapy #scififantasy #scifibooks #scifibook #scifibookstagram #datingadvice #scifigeek #datingcoach #scifiwriter #therapy #datingapp

Happy National SciFi Day! “Early Adopter” is out now in @asimovs_sf Jan/ Feb 2024! I love this story and I feel very grateful to see it published this year in my favorite magazine! “Early Adopter” explores how we might use new neural implant technology to navigate (and fail to navigate) dating, seggs, love, and self-esteem. It also asks: what would your Tindr/Grindr hook-up look like if you could suddenly read each other’s minds π«£π«£
What concerns lurk in new tech? Get your copy today!
#author #authorlife #authorsofinstagram #authors #writer #writers #writersofinstagram #writerlife #writerscommunity #writersofig #writercommunity #writerofig #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #sciencefictionart #sciencefictionfantasy #scifi #scifiart #scififantasy #scifibooks #scifibook #scifibookstagram #scifiworld #scifigeek #scifinovel #scifiwriter #fantasybooks #scifiauthor

Have Yourself a Merry Lil Christmas and what not
#banjo #banjomusic #banjos #banjoplayer #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #christmas #christmasmusic #merrychristmas #haveyourselfamerrylittlechristmas #christmassongs #christmassong #christmassongsπΆ #franksinatra #bluegrass #acoustic #acousticcover #acousticmusic #acousticguitar #songcover #coversong #michaelbuble #christmasseason

Awesome news! INNER WORKINGS hit #1 in Science and Fantasy Writing New Releases on AMAZON. We are so excited about how well this book is doing / has been received. I have a lot of gratitude for everyone in Calendar of Fools and all our readers. The work we (COF) did pulling this off over the last 2 years between running our successful kickstarter and actually producing the damn thing continues to pay dividends! More to come, but for now, get yourself a copy of INNER WORKINGS: A Calendar of Fools Anthology, edited by me, developed, designed, formatted, and published by the Calendar of Fools team π«Έπ«· π€π€.
Find within: 16 SCIFI & Fantasy tales + essays by every author (incl me) exploring the craft of writing great fiction. Includes bonus essays by Kevin J Anderson and James A Owen! Link in BIO to get yours today π
#author #authors #writer #writers #writersofinstagram #writing #writingcommunity #scifi #scifiart #scifibooks #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #sff #shortstory #shortstorywriter #fantasy #fantasybooks #scifiworld #scifigeek #editor #bookeditor #anthology #genrefiction #bookstagram #scifibook #fantasybook #dune #amazon #amazonbestseller

Hey now! This one snuck up on me π½! My story “Early Adopter” is the January/ February 2024 issue of @asimovs_sf ! I am really excited about this one - it takes a look at the future of dating / hook-ups / dating apps as our technology rapidly evolves, and almost half the story is a trippy mind-meld seggs scene. If that doesn’t sell a story, IDK what will!
Throughout the narrative we follow the experiences of a gay man who has adopted a new brain-implant human-computer interface and explores how this begins to reshape - or is it reinforce? - his sense of self and relationships. The story is told in first person as he interacts internally with his nee implant. Touches on notes of loneliness, shallow seggsual pleasure, body image issues, and more. On sale now!
#author #authorlife #authorsofinstagram #authors #writer #writers #writersofinstagram #writerlife #writerscommunity #writersofig #writercommunity #writerofig #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #sciencefictionart #sciencefictionfantasy #scifi #scifiart #scififantasy #scifibooks #scifibook #scifibookstagram #scifiworld #scifigeek #scifinovel #scifiwriter #fantasybooks #scifiauthor @asimovs_sf

This is HUGE.
Today we finally release INNER WORKINGS: A Calendar of Fools Anthology to the world! 16 SFF stories by award-winning authors, each with an attached writing craft essay by the authors revealing their secrets! This is my first time w/ an “Edited by” in front of my name, and while that is very cool, the main story here is all the work every member of Calendar of Fools did to make this happen. After completing our successful Kickstarter earlier this year (268% funded!) we hunkered down to get this book designed, formatted, edited, and published, which was a massive team effort. My main job as the editor was to take the stories and essays submitted by the team and work with the authors to shape their stories and essays through several rounds of revisions, in the end creating an anthology unlike any I have seen before (not saying they do not exist, perhaps just saying I am not as widely read π). Months of weekly meetings, hours of work for each member completing business tasks in our free time… and finally, FINALLY it is here (for you to buy). It’s like having a whole writing in your hands. Get your copy today (on Amazon, link in my bio.
#author #authors #writer #writers #writersofinstagram #writing #writingcommunity #scifi #scifiart #scifibooks #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #sff #shortstory #shortstorywriter #fantasy #fantasybooks #scifiworld #scifigeek #editor #bookeditor #anthology #genrefiction #bookstagram #scifibook #fantasybook #dune

Really enjoyed doing this interview with Fellowship & Fairydust - they pulled some good pretentious answers out of me! Talking about writing, scifi, music, PROG π LINK in bio π€
#author #authorlife #authorsofinstagram #authors #writer #writers #writersofinstagram #writerlife #writerscommunity #writersofig #writercommunity #writerofig #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #sciencefictionart #sciencefictionfantasy #scifi #scifiart #scififantasy #scifibooks #scifibook #scifibookstagram #scifiworld #scifigeek #scifinovel #scifiwriter #fantasybooks #scifiauthor

The answer to the Q: What does your therapist
do between clients?
@eastmanguitars MD615 Mandolin
πΌ = “It’s Just Begun / Soul Power” by
@jazzmafiamusic @adamtheis @solas_b_lalgee Brass Mafia
#mandolins #mandolinmusic #mando #mandolinist #musician #music #funk #jazz #jazzmandolin #bluegrass #newgrass #mandolino #jazzfunk #jazzmafia #jazz #funkmusic #musician #musiciansofinstagram #musicianlife #musicianmemes #music #violin #banjo #solo

My story “Trust Fall” is printed in the Sep/Oct issue of @analog_sf ! I saw a copy on the newsstand at the local BnN and decided grab one for a friend. The cashier got a kick out “an author visiting the store” when I asked her to take my picture and started ringing a little bell. Apparently they do that if you are an author, or if you manage to eat a whole (paperback) dictionary in less than 15 minutes!
The story is a classic near-future SF adventure that finds Nadia, a badass veteran and astronaut, in a race against time to save herself and her amateur partner from certain death after a malfunctioning orbital space-junk collector sends them spiraling toward Earth. But can she trust her green co-pilot when everything is on the line? Grab a copy today and find out!
#analog #sciencefiction #scifi #scififantasy #scifiart #scifibookstagram #scifibooks #scifibook #scifiworld #scifinovel #scifistories #sciencefictionbooks #sciencefictionart #sciencefictionnovel #sciencefictionwriter #scifiwriter #scifiauthor #writer #author #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writerlife #writerscommunity #writercommunity #authorsofinstagram #authorlife

This @sherylcrow tune is GOATed
I know this because, while on tour with @prettybitter.mp3 in St Paul, @keepforcheap closed their set with this in striking fashion. Go see them!
Of course then I had to try it on banjo. Capturing a semblance of the original groove was challenging using clawhammer, as was singing all the different rhythmic inflections in the vocals, but hey, we tried!
#sherylcrow #ifitmakesyouhappy #pop #rock #countrypop #90srock #90spop #banjo #banjomusic #banjos #banjoplayer #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #acoustic #acousticcover #coversong #coversongid #coversongs

I had a fantastic time presenting to a packed room at MsC 2023 ~a kinky convention~ this weekend, talking to a roomful of kink practitioners about attachment theory, attachment cycles, and kink. Then I checked out the “Leather Library” which had some realllly cool old books (swipe for more!) OH the places you’ll go as a therapist (right here in college park)
#bdsmcommunity #bdsmlove #attachment #attachmenttheory #sextherapy #aasect #therapist #therapistmemes #therapistlife #bdsmmemes #coupleandfamilytherapy

Never ending Buffet burger
#burger #buffet #jimmybuffett #cheeseburger #cheeseburgerinparadise #meme #funnymemes